There is various minor problems in french translations of the make UI (v3.81). I join a patch correcting some obvious errors but I think there are errors left.
Plusieurs typos et autres petites erreurs dans la traduction française de make. Patch préliminaire ci-joint.
Afficher les réponses par date
2008/3/4, francois
Il manque l'espace insécable avant chaque caractère « : ». Il me semble plus judicieux de traduire les messages d'aide des options en ligne de commande au présent et la 3e personne du singulier.
Par exemple :
msgstr "" -" -d afficher beaucoup d'informations de d?bugging\n" +" -d afficher beaucoup d'informations de d?bogage\n"
-d affiche de nombreuses informations de débogage
On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 15:34 +0100, francois wrote:
Hi François;
Translations for all GNU software are handled through the GNU Translation Project. There is a French translation team which you should contact for discussions of the French translation of GNU make. You can find out more here:
including how to contact them.
Translations are not actually maintained by me in the GNU make codebase: every release of GNU make automatically pulls the latest translation from the the Translation Project site whenever I build it. So, getting the changes into the master copy there is the only way I can get them.
Thanks for the support of GNU make!
On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 11:37 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
Translations for all GNU software are handled through the GNU Translation Project.
Sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention; I didn't realize you already CC'd the French translation team (
Feel free to continue to CC bug-make but note only a few of us can read French :-).
As I mentioned, the translation for GNU make is all 100% automated; any changes that are made to the translation will magically appear in the next release without any extra steps taken by the GNU make maintenance team.