Martin Quinson writes:
Mmm. Ok, je viens de visiter assez longuement ces pages, et je comprend mieux ce que tu voulais dire. Ces pages font une partie importante de ce que je voulais faire sur
Interesting page; the width of the table is arguable -- I recommend to go for a list-like arrangement:
a2ps af - ar - az - ... aca af - ar - az - ...
and suppress the output of languages where no translation is available (to save space and download time). And break the whole package into several chunks, if possible (package a-g, package h-k, ...); downloading 500k as one HTML page is a little bit heavy :)
Maybe, you can encource package maintainers to join the Free Translation Project at UMontreal?
[I apologize not to read through all the thread. If there are still open issue, don't hesitate to ask again (you can write using french).]
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