Michel Robitaille robitail@IRO.UMontreal.CA writes:
Est-ce que quelqu'un a eu des nouvelles de Marc Baudoin babafou@ensta.fr? J'ai tenté de le joindre mais sans succès.
La traduction de make n'a pas été retouchée depuis le 5 janvier 1997.
Hello translators,
François forwarded a small mail thread about 'make' (2000) to us, the translation project maintainers. It looks as if there are still open issues. At the moment the registry file holds this entry:
<translator>Marc Baudoin <disclaimer> <do>flex<do>make
This means, Marc Baudoin is considered to take care about the french 'make' translation. If you want me to change this entry just send a mail message to translation@IRO.Umontreal.CA, please.
That's it for now, have a good week, Karl