Le Mer 13 juin 2012 06:53, Christian PERRIER a écrit :
Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (debian@helgefjell.de):
Hello, you are listed as contact person/author of the following locale: fr_FR
I think Keld Simonsen's name is mentioned as the locale was based on one
he wrote.
traduc@traduc.org is a collective address (see http://traduc.org). Adding the internal organisational list to the CC
field so that representatives of the traduc.org can give a stance in name of the organization.
PS: coucou, traduc.org..:-)...Bon, en gros, vous avez sûrement compris
mais c'est vrai qu'il y a une action en cours actuellement, dans Debian, pour clarifier la licence des locales où celle-ci n'est pas claire. Je n'ai évidemment aucun doute sur les intentions de
traduc.org par rapport à la locale fr_FR (utiliser une licence libre),
mais il faut que quelqu'un confirme cela, évidemment.
Ce serait quand même un peu ballot que Debian retire la locale française de la libc. Je serais largement au chomage..:-)
The fr_FR was taken over by traduc.org in March 2008, and the update of this file have been discussed on the traduc mail list from January to March 2008 (http://listes.traduc.org/pipermail/traduc/).
At that time, the license was not discussed, as we were under the impression this file was part of the glibc and distributed under the same license.
The original author of this file is Keld Jørn Simonsen.
Provided that Keld Jørn Simonsen agree with this, we would be very happy to see this file officially put under a Free license. Using the same license as the glibc would be fine for us.
Hope that helps.
Best Regards.