Il me semble que quelqu'un vient de poser une question à propos des
balises editor, collaborator, author, etc.
Voici justement une réponse en provenance de
En gros, ça dit : "y'a déjà les bonnes balises, suffit d'utiliser
l'attribut class et d'adapter les feuilles de style".
Je suis assez d'accord. Si vous voulez j'ai un spécialiste du "Docbook
cutomization layer" assis au bureau en face du mien, je peux lui demander
de répondre aux questions de celui qui aurait envie d'adapter les feuilles
de style de Docbook pour générer la gazette... un volontaire ?
Nicolas Chauvat - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 13:29:53 -0300
From: Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho
To: Randy Kramer
Cc:, Florin Andrei,
David Lawyer
Subject: Re: Maintainer Tag?
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, wrote:
> In some cases a maintainer plays a very different role than an
> author -- he may be an editor, a coordinator, and/or a contributor,
> but that is not the same as an author, and a maintainer should not
> necessarily be listed as an author.
If he's an editor, then use that element.
If he's a coordinator, I see it as "<collab
If he's a contributor, then he's what is called a 'collaborator'. Use
the collab element.
> A current author would only exist if the document is undergoing a
> significant rewrite, either for content or language. A significant
> rewrite for language should be distinguished from an edit (by an
> editor) (and a translation, by a translator).
Both, editor and translator, under 'editor' and 'collab' elements.
> DocBook should provide "mechanisms" to support the five categories
> of information listed above.
It already does through the use of the 'class' attribute. If the
stylesheets are or not doing something with that is another question
we can discuss.
> It's on my list of things to do, but if someone else wants to
> provide some insight, that would be appreciated.
As I said, I think it's only needed some customization on our
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