Je termine la traduction de la dernière version du 2.4 Advanced routing.
J'ai besoin d'aide pour le éléments suivants :
1) Une nouvelle implémentation, appelée inet_peer (traduit par
partenaire internet), existe dans le noyau 2.4, mais que je connais mal.
Voici les éléments correspondant :
FIXME: Add a little explanation about the inet peer storage?
Minimum interval between garbage collection passes. This interval
is in effect under low (or absent) memory pressure on the pool. Measured
in jiffies.
Minimum interval between garbage collection passes. This interval
is in effect under high memory pressure on the pool. Measured in
Maximum time-to-live of entries. Unused entries will expire after
this period of time if there is no memory pressure on the pool (i.e.
when the number of entries in the pool is very small).
Measured in jiffies.
Minimum time-to-live of entries. Should be enough to cover
fragment time-to-live on the reassembling side. This minimum
time-to-live is guaranteed if the pool size is less than
inet_peer_threshold. Measured in jiffies.
The approximate size of the INET peer storage. Starting from this
threshold entries will be thrown aggressively. This threshold also
determines entries' time-to-live and time intervals
between garbage collection passes. More entries, less
time-to-live, less GC interval.
2) Les titres suivants :
16.6 Circumventing Path MTU Discovery issues with per route MTU settings
16.7 Circumventing Path MTU Discovery issues with MSS Clamping (for
ADSL, cable, PPPoE & PPtP users)
3) le terme "payload" dans la phrase suivante :
However, not all parts of the internet support full 1460 bytes of
payload per packet. It is therefore necessary to try and find the
largest packet that will 'fit', in order to optimize a connection.
En vous remerçiant,
Laurent Foucher