Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)traduc.org'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/teams/PO/fr/texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/teams/PO/fr/texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/teams/PO/fr/texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
All its 544 messages have been translated, and this PO file has been
submitted to the maintainer of `texinfo', hoping s/he will include
it in a future release of programs using this textual domain.
Let me thank you for all users of the French language.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-texinfo.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-fr.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/texinfo-4.0g.tar.gz
> ftp://texinfo.org/texinfo/pretests/texinfo-4.0g.tar.gz
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)traduc.org'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/teams/PO/fr/textutils-2.0.21.fr.po
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/teams/PO/fr/textutils-2.0.21.fr.po
In this file, 374 messages have been translated already, accounting
for 90% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 27 messages
need to be attended to. Michel Robitaille is currently assigned for
the translation.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot textutils-2.0.21.fr.po
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `textutils'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-textutils.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-fr.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/fetish/textutils-2.0.21.tar.bz2
> http://fetish.sf.net/textutils-2.0.21.tar.bz2
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)traduc.org'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/teams/PO/fr/textutils-2.0.21.fr.po
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/teams/PO/fr/textutils-2.0.21.fr.po
All its 401 messages have been translated, and this PO file has been
submitted to the maintainer of `textutils', hoping s/he will include
it in a future release of programs using this textual domain.
Let me thank you for all users of the French language.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-textutils.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-fr.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/fetish/textutils-2.0.21.tar.bz2
> http://fetish.sf.net/textutils-2.0.21.tar.bz2
est-ce qu'il existe une version gettextisée de newt ?
Comme ce programme est utilisé pour des installations de distribs en
mode texte, je suis étonné que ce ne soit apparemment pas le cas.
Joël Bernier a mis en place la nouvelle liste traduc-po.
Vous pouvez vous abonnez en écrivant à traduc-po-request(a)traduc.org ou par
l'interface web http://www.traduc.org/mailman/listinfo/traduc-po
Nicolas Chauvat
http://www.logilab.com - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)traduc.org'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/teams/PO/fr/texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/teams/PO/fr/texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/teams/PO/fr/texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
In this file, 511 messages have been translated already, accounting
for 91% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 33 messages
need to be attended to. Laurent Bourbeau is currently assigned for
the translation.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot texinfo-4.0g.fr.po
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `texinfo'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-texinfo.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-fr.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/texinfo-4.0g.tar.gz
> ftp://texinfo.org/texinfo/pretests/texinfo-4.0g.tar.gz
J'ai l'impression que les messages du robot ont tué la liste. Depuis qu'ils
arrivent ici, la liste semble moribonde. Est ce que ca a fait fuir tout le
monde ?
S'il reste encore des humains, donnez moi votre avis :
( ) ces messages sont une calamité, il faut les retirer pour laisser vivre
la liste.
( ) les messages ne m'importunent pas. Je m'en tape.
( ) ces messages sont tres importants, ils me permettent de me tenir au
courant des changements sur le TP. Il ne faut pas les toucher.
Je pense qu'une bonne solution serait peut etre de faire une autre liste de
diffusion, et d'y diriger ces courriels. Comme ca, on pourra parler entre
humains ici, et les interressés pourrons s'abonner aux deux listes. Un peu
comme ce qui se fait pour les listes -dev et -cvs qui sont souvent séparées
dans les projets.
Il faut que j'en parle aux mainteneurs du robot, mais changer de liste ne
devrait pas poser de probleme. Par contre, est ce que les mainteneurs de
traduc.org voudraient bien ouvrir une liste « TP-robot » par exemple, si la
tendance du sondage tend à la suppression des messages ?
Merci, Mt.
Si les grands esprits se rencontrent, les petits esprits, eux, se cognent.
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)traduc.org'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/teams/PO/fr/bison-1.33.fr.po
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/teams/PO/fr/bison-1.33.fr.po
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/teams/PO/fr/bison-1.33.fr.po
All its 140 messages have been translated, and this PO file has been
submitted to the maintainer of `bison', hoping s/he will include
it in a future release of programs using this textual domain.
Let me thank you for all users of the French language.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-bison.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-fr.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-1.33.tar.bz2
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)traduc.org'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/teams/PO/fr/bison-1.33.fr.po
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/teams/PO/fr/bison-1.33.fr.po
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/teams/PO/fr/bison-1.33.fr.po
In this file, 139 messages have been translated already, accounting
for 99% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 1 messages
need to be attended to. Michel Robitaille is currently assigned for
the translation.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot bison-1.33.fr.po
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `bison'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-bison.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-fr.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-1.33.tar.bz2