----- Forwarded message from Jonas Jacobson via RT copyright-clerk@fsf.org -----
Envelope-to: pierre@machard.org Delivery-date: Tue, 29 May 2007 17:48:54 +0200 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.7-deb (2006-10-05) on delmak.naquadah.org X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.0 required=4.5 tests=BAYES_50 autolearn=no version=3.1.7-deb Subject: [gnu.org #335885] Re: [Translation-i18n] News about the Translation project ? From: Jonas Jacobson via RT copyright-clerk@fsf.org Reply-To: copyright-clerk@fsf.org X-RT-Loop-Prevention: gnu.org RT-Ticket: gnu.org #335885 Managed-by: RT 3.4.5 (http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/) RT-Originator: jacobson@fsf.org Cc: pmachard@tuxfamily.org, team-leaders@iro.umontreal.ca, translation@iro.umontreal.ca X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8
Hello to the Translation Team,
The FSF's offices are located at:
51 Franklin st. Fifth Floor Boston MA 02110 USA
Despite contrary requests, the new tenant at the old space has thrown away mail it has received addressed to us. I have not received that many translation disclaimers since August. What I have received is below.
Any time you would like a list of the current translators, please let me know. It is available on Fencepost (FP). You will need an account to access it - to get one, write to sysadmin@gnu.org
TRANSLATIONS Petr Pisar 2007-05-22 Disclaimer [cs] petr.pisar@atlas.cz
TRANSLATION Dhennin Daniel 2007-04-20 Disclaimer [fr] daniel.dehennin@baby-gnu.org
TRANSLATION Per Eriksson 2007-03-12 Disclaimer [se] per.eriksson@katrineholm.org
TRANSLATION Claude Paroz 2007-04-20 Disclaimer [fr] Claude@2xlibre.net
TRANSLATION Jean-Charles Malahieude 2007-04-20 Disclaimer [fr] lolyfan@wanadoo.fr
TRANSLATION Marian Zubia Zubaiurre 2007-03-27 Disclaimer. [baq] marian.zubia@ehu.es
TRANSLATION Ivan Masar 2007-03-29 Disclaimer. [sk] helix84@centrum.sk
TRANSLATION Dov Zamir 2007-03-31 Disclaimer. [he] dov@zamirfamily.com
TRANSLATION Francisco Javier Tsao Santin 2006-10-04 Disclaimer. [es], [gl] tsao@enelparaiso.org, tsao@member.fsf.org
TRANSLATIONS Leonardo Ferreira Fonenelle 2006-09-12 Disclaimer (pt)( -BR) leo.fontenelle@gmail.com
TRANSLATIONS David Planella Molas 2007-02-13 Disclaimer (cat) david.planella@gmail.com
TRANSLATIONS Li Daobing 2007-02-01 Disclaimer (chi) lidaobing@gmail.com
TRANSLATION 2006-12-01 Holger Wansing [de] linux@wansing-online.de
TRANSLATION Elie Roux 2006-11-16 Disclaimer(fr)(all) eli.roux@enst.enst-bretagne.fr
TRANSLATIONS Suen Wai Yin 2006-08-16 Disclaimer. [cn HK] suenr@netvigator.com
EMACS Rodrigo Real 2006-08-15 Disclaims his Portuguese translation of the emacs reference card. rreal@ucpel.tche.br
[ke@suse.de - Tue May 29 11:12:50 2007]:
Benno Schulenberg i18n@benno.vertaalt.nl writes:
Pierre Machard wrote:
That become to be a REAL problem that nobody answers...
Indeed. Karl? Martin? GNU/FSF official? What is going on? Does the FSF no longer process any disclaimers? Do they not arrive any more at the FSF? Or does mail from the FSF not reach the TP?
Something has changed. I must check my old mail folder... IIRC, we already started to sort out these issues.
No I dit not get any answer. My post on this mailling list is waitting for approval.
Your mail did get through, after a few days. It's in the archives:
Yes, Pierre's mail arrived properly. It is still unprocessed in my inbox. Later the week, I'll try to attack all this again.
Cheers, Karl
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