L'état du module gnome-video-arcade - master - po (français) est maintenant « Traduit ».
I have comment the following lines with no-c-format ! The bug still need to be solved !
12:58:15: /home/burnkey/Desktop/translate/ 'msgstr' is not a valid C format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: The string ends in the middle of a directive. 12:58:15: /home/burnkey/Desktop/translate/ 'msgstr' is not a valid C format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: The string ends in the middle of a directive. 12:58:15: /home/burnkey/Desktop/translate/ 'msgstr' is not a valid C format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: The string ends in the middle of a directive. 12:58:15: msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors
Luc Rebert -- Ceci est un message automatique envoyé par