Hi Herman,
attached the german command_memento_de.sxw.
Very nice! Thank you very much! I just reset the font sizes to the paragraph defaults (so that everything fits within one sheet again), and mentioned that you authored the German translation.
You may check that everything's all right for you on http://free-electrons.com/training/intro_unix_linux/en
Found another error: in
reboot the machine in 5 minutes: shutdown -h +5 Shutdown the machine now: shutdown -r now
the parameters -h and -r are switched. I've corrected it in the german version already.
Oops, fixed! Thanks a lot!
One minor point: in
Uncompress a file: bunzip2 file.bz2 (best inflating rate!)
Isn't that dependent on how it was compressed?
Sure! Actually, it's useless to mention that bzip2 compresses better here. I removed this, and only kept the comment on bzip2.
Thanks again!
Greetings from Nice, France.