A small thing...
would you be kind enough to adjust the translation matrix
so I could send gcc translation to the Robot without problem.
Thanks again
best regards
Translation Project Robot wrote:
> Hi! I am the service robot at the Translation Project, and was awakened
> by your submission for `gcc-3.0.fr.po'.
> Most teams allow translators to directly send their achieved translations
> to the Translation Project, and do quality control only after the fact,
> to obtain a quicker turn-around. The Translation Project registry does
> not list you as the usual translator for `gcc'. Your team leader might
> send an email to the translation coordinator, warranting that you are
> indeed assigned to this textual domain. For small teams not having a
> leader, you may write yourself to the translation coordinator. It is a
> simple matter to assign you the responsibility of `gcc' for French, given
> nobody else is already assigned to it. However, some teams prefer to
> channel translations differently, for ensuring some quality control first.
> WARNING: This prevents the robot from forwarding your file to the archive.
> Merely for your information, let me share with you what the `msgfmt'
> program has to say about your submitted PO file:
> > 296 translated messages, 2752 untranslated messages.
> Some error reported above is such that I cannot fully process your
> invoice. I'm sorry! Do not fear resubmitting your PO file, once you
> think the problem has been corrected. Being a robot, I'm incredibly
> patient at such things!
> To send your PO file as an Emacs user, merely hit `M' within PO mode.
> Otherwise, you may use various MIME (beware I'm too dumb for split parts)
> or `uuencode' (either old or new). Have a `.gz' suffix on the file name
> if you decide to compress it with `gzip'. You may also send your file all
> plain, but you have to make sure that we have an 8-bit clean email route.
> For now at least, do not submit more than one PO file in a single email.
> If I cannot decipher your packaging, I will forward it to the coordinator
> for manual unpacking. Use a subject line looking like:
> > Subject: TP-Robot PACKAGE-VERSION.TEAM.po
> and send this whole thing to `translation(a)iro.umontreal.ca'. You may
> expect a reply within the hour. If you need help to resolve questions
> raised in this reply, or if you plainly suspect I'm behaving poorly, you
> may directly write the translation coordinator. However, if you do so,
> be careful _not_ to start your message Subject with `TP-Robot'! :-)
> The Translation Project robot, in the
> name of your kind translation coordinator.
> mailto:translation@iro.umontreal.ca