
J'ai envoyé le formulaire de cession du copyright à la FSF. Je peux me charger de Klavaro si personne ne le fait déjà.



Le 08/12/2010 20:16, kerb a écrit :
Merci Frédéric. Je ne suis absolument pas vexé mais tu agis comme le coordinateur FR. Veux-tu le devenir?

Frédéric Marchal a écrit :
On Wednesday 08 December 2010 15:05:38 Thierry Benita wrote:

Some translations were missing from my previous mail.

I updated the french translation of Klavaro, based on the last svn
trunk. This file is up to date with the pot file available on

I send it as attachement to this mail. Could you take it into account
for the next release ?

Thank you for your translation. I'll review it and submit it to the robot of the translation project.

For your information, the translations for klavaro (and many other software packages) are hosted at the Translation Project ( You may consider joining the translator team if you plan to keep working on klavaro. Here is the link to the page with the information for the translators:

If you intent to join to French team and submit your work yourself, let me know before I fully review the file you sent to this list :-).


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