.\" This chunk comes from ps(1). It is intented to test .\" https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=748601 .TS expand; lB1 lB1 lBw(\n[ColSize]n) lB1 l1 l. CODE HEADER DESCRIPTION %cpu %CPU T{ cpu utilization of the process in "##.#" format. It is the CPU time used divided by the time the process has been running (cputime/realtime ratio), expressed as a percentage. It will not add up to 100% unless you are lucky. (alias\ \fBpcpu\fR). T} class CLS T{ scheduling class of the process. (alias\ \fBpolicy\fR,\ \fBcls\fR). Field's possible values are: .br \- not reported .br TS SCHED_OTHER .br FF SCHED_FIFO .br RR SCHED_RR .br ? unknown value T} .TE .\" #######################################################################