To whom it may concern,
I am a candidate for the new French GNOME team coordinator position.
For some years, I have been working on the French GNOME translation, with contributions such as Totem, Rhythmbox, Evolution, Eog, Banshee and some other related projects SportsTracker, Serpentine, etc. In professional context, I am software engineer and architect in the defence and energy domains activity. I have a good knowledge of GTK+ API, GNU/Linux platform and real time OS.
This year, despite the opposition of RedFox and thanks to the energy of the French translation team, we have managed to write high quality documentation on the wiki and to launch Vertimus. Today, I am responsible for the maintenance of Vertimus.
The prolonged absence of RedFox was beneficial and promoted a lot of positive work which I now hope to recreate.
I strongly agree with the ideas put forward by Benoit Dejean, to quote him (my comments are in brackets):
- I would make GnomeFr more open [it's an OpenSource project, isn't it ?].
- I would bring together a small team of 2 or 3 contributors to avoid bottlenecks [with CVS account, like Christophe Bliard with GNOME documentation]. We currently have 5 proof-readers which is not enough. Many modules have a dedicated maintainer (often needed because the software is very specific, like ekiga). I would try to bring together all these people and set them as proof-readers.
- I would try to establish friendly links between the translation team and the French-speaking Gnome developers [only one IRC channel]
I would also like to emphasize the following points :
1. The welcoming and integration of new contributors
2. The standardization of the various support documents e.g. wiki, traduc and IRC
3. The clarification and internationalization of the Vertimus code to make it available as soon as possible to other translation teams (many features are on the TODO list).
4. Work to reduce the differences in translation between upstream and Ubuntu with the help of the Rosetta team.
6. Work on the coming together of different French translation teams to work on OpenSource projects such as distributions, KDE, Mozilla, Sun or OpenOffice. We have many things to share such as translation guides, glossaries and tools. Such efforts already exist but I would like to focus on them more intently.
I would ask all those who are in favour or not, to give their opinion on my application. I can't build a successfull work team without you.
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Stéphane RAIMBAULT a écrit :
To whom it may concern,
I am a candidate for the new French GNOME team coordinator position.
For some years, I have been working on the French GNOME translation, with contributions such as Totem, Rhythmbox, Evolution, Eog, Banshee and some other related projects SportsTracker, Serpentine, etc. In professional context, I am software engineer and architect in the defence and energy domains activity. I have a good knowledge of GTK+ API, GNU/Linux platform and real time OS.
This year, despite the opposition of RedFox and thanks to the energy of the French translation team, we have managed to write high quality documentation on the wiki and to launch Vertimus. Today, I am responsible for the maintenance of Vertimus.
The prolonged absence of RedFox was beneficial and promoted a lot of positive work which I now hope to recreate.
I strongly agree with the ideas put forward by Benoit Dejean, to quote him (my comments are in brackets):
I would make GnomeFr more open [it's an OpenSource project, isn't it ?].
I would bring together a small team of 2 or 3 contributors to avoid
bottlenecks [with CVS account, like Christophe Bliard with GNOME documentation]. We currently have 5 proof-readers which is not enough. Many modules have a dedicated maintainer (often needed because the software is very specific, like ekiga). I would try to bring together all these people and set them as proof-readers.
- I would try to establish friendly links between the translation team
and the French-speaking Gnome developers [only one IRC channel]
I would also like to emphasize the following points :
The welcoming and integration of new contributors
The standardization of the various support documents e.g. wiki,
traduc and IRC
- The clarification and internationalization of the Vertimus code to
make it available as soon as possible to other translation teams (many features are on the TODO list).
- Work to reduce the differences in translation between upstream and
Ubuntu with the help of the Rosetta team.
- Work on the coming together of different French translation teams
to work on OpenSource projects such as distributions, KDE, Mozilla, Sun or OpenOffice. We have many things to share such as translation guides, glossaries and tools. Such efforts already exist but I would like to focus on them more intently.
I would ask all those who are in favour or not, to give their opinion on my application. I can't build a successfull work team without you.
Je trouve ton mail particulièrement culotté.
Alors que j'annonce moi-même ma démission de mon poste, et que j'appelle au débat sur la liste gnomefr pour me succéder, 3 jours après, tu te permets d'envoyer une "profession de foi" douteuse, en anglais !? et me mettant en cause de façon négative et ce à tous plein de liste et personnes sans rapport avec GnomeFR. J'apprécie.
Ton mail contient de plus des énormités. Tu prétend que je me suis opposé à la création de vertimus, ce qui est absolument faux, bien au contraire. Tu prétend avoir écrit de la documentation de grande qualité dans un wiki, alors que ce n'était qu'un repompage du site officiel dans une tentative avorté de fork :/. et lorsque j'ai enfin mis en place un wiki officiel, tu as fait un esclandre pour atteinte à tes droits "intellectuels" !!
Tu prétends que mon "absence" a été bénéfique et a crée une bonne dynamique de travail que tu souhaites recréer. Cette dynamique à disparu ? Joli attaque sans fondement !!
Tu veux faire de GnomeFR un projet "plus ouvert" ? soit, Une joli phrase vide de sens.
Un autre point qui n'a rien a voir avec ton attaque personnelle, tu souhaites réduite les différences de traduction entre gnome upstream et Ubuntu. En quoi est-ce le rôle de l'équipe de traduction GNOME de s'embarrassait avec une infrastructure de traduction inadéquate propriétaire et spécifique à une distribution ? En quoi l'équipe de traduction GNOME doit -elle se substituer au personnel de Canonical ou aux contributeurs d'Ubuntu pour maintenir à jour leurs traductions en plus de celles upstream qui bénéficie naturellement a toutes les autres distribs. Comment compte tu assumer cette double charge de travail ?
De plus, tu as oublié de préciser un point important dans ta profession de foi : Quid des responsabilités ? Qui les assumes si il y a un problème alors même que tu souhaite diluer les rôles entre plusieurs personnes ?
Pour finir, je rappelle que j'ai moi même décider de démissionner, que laisser passer une semaine pour donner le temps au gens de réagir sur la liste *gnomefr* ne me parait pas trop long, et que tu n'as pas besoin de forcer le mouvement ou te tenter un "putsch" minable pour prendre mon rôle de coordinateur. Si au bout d'une semaine personne d'autres ne s'est présenté ou personne ne s'oppose, je te donnerai le relais. Mais ton attitude ne te rends pas plus légitime !
Librement, - -- Christophe Merlet (RedFox)