Michael Kerrisk wrote:
Alain PORTAL wrote:
Le lundi 30 avril 2007, Michael Kerrisk a écrit :
Hello downstream man-pages folk,
For a long time, man-pages has had a few section 1 pages:
chgrp.1 chmod.1 chown.1 cp.1 dd.1 df.1 diff.1 dir.1 dircolors.1 du.1 install.1 intro.1 ldd.1 ln.1 ls.1 mkdir.1 mkfifo.1 mknod.1 mv.1 rm.1 rmdir.1 time.1 touch.1 vdir.1
However, most of these pages are rather unmaintained and out of date, or better versions are provided in other packages, or 'info" provides better info. And the Section 1p pages from POSIX cover the portable subset of functionality that should exist for these commands on all systems.
In any case, I would like to lose most of these from man-pages, since they are not about programming interfaces. The *possible* exceptions that I may keep are:
intro.1 ldd.1
Unless I hear some good objections these pages are likely to disappear from man-pages in the next few weeks.
I have objections Michael, sorry ;-) Of course, these man pages are really to old! There is only one reason its are old, noboby maintiends its...
Hi Alain,
It's good that you responded to my mail, since that gives me a chance to follow up with more detail.
As I understand it, Andries put these pages together drawing information
from existing man-pages, and POSIX, to cover portability stuff.
I've checked the situation on Mandriva, Fedora, SUSE, Gentoo, Ubuntu and Debian. In only one of those distributions were these man1 pages even being distributed. Most of them are distributing the coreutils versions of the pages. The exception is Gentoo, which is going to now swap over to the coreutils versions of the pages.
In a wonderful piece of English-centrism, I forgot to mention that I have only checked the situation in the English versions of all of those distributions... French is the most current of the translations of course, and Martin Schulze pointed out a possible solution of this really is a problem for the French translation.