Salut à tous,
Dans la doc du noyau:
Enable usec resolution timestamps CONFIG_ATM_ZATM_EXACT_TS The uPD98401 SAR chip supports a high-resolution timer (approx. 30 MHz) that is used for very accurate reception timestamps. Because that timer overflows after 140 seconds, and also to avoid timer drift, time measurements need to be periodically synchronized with the normal system time. Enabling this feature will add some general overhead for timer synchronization and also per-packet overhead for time conversion. La question est comment traduire "Enable usec resolution timestamps" ?
SAR est l'acronyme de "ATM Segmentation and Reassembly". Le controleur uPD98401 produit par Nec décharge le processeur du travail de fragmentation et d'assemblage des cellules propres au trafic ATM.
Je traduirais : "Activer l'échantillonange à la micro-seconde".
-- Cyril, du Havre, la nuit Tél.