Après avoir fait le plus facile, je commence à bloquer sur cette page, et ils sont nombreux les mots/expression/phrases que je ne sais traduire, ou dont j'ai besoin d'une confirmation
- XML representation of the flow object tree
- flow object classes
- The system data of the processing instruction is parsed like an SGML start-tag. It will be parsed using the reference concrete syntax whatever the actual concrete syntax of the document.
- openjade will display a stack trace. Note that this disables tail-call optimization.
- jade doesn't use any predefined character names, sdata-entity mappings or name-characters
- sgml-raw doesn't emit linebreaks in tags
- Warn about mixed content models that do not allow #pcdata anywhere
- Warn about net-enabling start-tags and null end-tags
- the general-purpose DSSSL engine
- openjade doesn't allow internal definitions at the beginning of bodies and the (test => recipient) variant of cond clauses.
- inherited characteristics
- Some common SDATA entity names from the ISO entity sets are recognized and mapped to characters
- The following primitives are just stubs
Je sais, çà fait bcp, mais c'était pour pas faire le déplacement pour rien. D'avance merci A+