François Romieu <romieu(a)> ne serait pas contre bénéficier de
l'aide d'un relecteur pour sa mise à jour du Framebuffer-HOWTO.
Nicolas Chauvat - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
In this file, 228 messages have been translated already, accounting for
99% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 1 messages need to
be attended to. Most probably, there is a translator already assigned
to the domain `tar' in your team. Else, the team leader (if any) should
inform the translation coordinator of who will become responsible for it.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `tar'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
Logilab a publié la semaine dernière une version efficace (et donc
utilisable) de xmldiff.
Je voudrais utiliser xmldiff pour automatiser l'aide à la mise à jour des
documents. Les traducteurs pourraient soit utiliser xmldiff pour savoir
très facilement ce qui a été changé, ou même, à chaque nouvelle version,
on pourrait ne faire traduire que les parties modifiées, un peu dans
l'esprit de ce que décrivait Gérard Delafond avec les fichiers .po de la
doc de KDE.
Mon problème, c'est que je n'ai pas le temps de m'y consacrer. Y'aurait-il
un ou des volontaires pour essayer xmldiff sur les documents du LDP,
réfléchir un peu au problème et nous faire part sur la liste de leurs
résultats et de leurs idées ?
En l'état actuel, le principal frein est à mon avis que la plupart des
documents du LDP sont en SGML. Mais peut-être que HTML tidy (cf
sourceforge) ou d'autres outils pourraient permettre de convertir ce SGML
en du XML (le problème est que xmldiff n'accepte que des documents XMLbien
formés, mais il se fiche des DTDs, donc pas besoin de convertir en du XML
DocBook correct).
Alors, qui est intéressé ?
Nicolas Chauvat - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
In this file, 81 messages have been translated already, accounting for 72%
of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 37 messages need to be
attended to. Most probably, there is a translator already assigned to
the domain `gettext' in your team. Else, the team leader (if any) should
inform the translation coordinator of who will become responsible for it.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `gettext'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
In this file, 1207 messages have been translated already, accounting
for 69% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 594 messages
need to be attended to. Most probably, there is a translator already
assigned to the domain `util-linux' in your team. Else, the team leader
(if any) should inform the translation coordinator of who will become
responsible for it.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `util-linux'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
In this file, 1207 messages have been translated already, accounting
for 69% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 594 messages
need to be attended to. Most probably, there is a translator already
assigned to the domain `util-linux' in your team. Else, the team leader
(if any) should inform the translation coordinator of who will become
responsible for it.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `util-linux'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
----- Message retransmis par Richard Stallman <rms(a)> -----
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 14:23:51 -0600 (MDT)
From: Richard Stallman <rms(a)>
Reply-To: rms(a)
Subject: Note--don't translate "Copyright"
X-Followup-Discussion-To: gnu-prog-discuss(a)
I've heard that people are started to translate the word "copyright"
in a copyright notice into their own languages. This is a mistake.
A standard legal copyright notice has the form
International treaties recognize the English word "Copyright", spelled
exactly that way. Translations of "copyright" into other languages
are not recognized in the same way. They simply don't count!
So be sure to write "Copyright" in English in your copyright notices,
even if it is for a text written in some other language.
And if you see any free software package, or translated web page, with
a copyright notice that has the word "copyright" translated into
another language, please tell the maintainer about this, and ask him
to fix it. Please pass the word.
GNU Maintainers Announcement List gnu-prog(a)
----- Fin de message retransmis -----
Laurent Foucher <foucher(a)>, cherche une relecture pour sa
traduction du Advanced-Routing-HOWTO. Voyez directement avec lui.
Nicolas Chauvat - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Hello, members of the French team at `traduc(a)'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted French translations. The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:
In this file, 1109 messages have been translated already, accounting
for 61% of the original text size (in raw bytes). Still, 692 messages
need to be attended to. Most probably, there is a translator already
assigned to the domain `util-linux' in your team. Else, the team leader
(if any) should inform the translation coordinator of who will become
responsible for it.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of users of the
French language. Once the translation completed, send the result to
the address given below, using:
> Subject: TP-Robot
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises. In the meantime, this PO file has been submitted
to the maintainer of programs using the textual domain `util-linux'.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as: