Bon, ben voilà des nouvelles qui me font dire "y'a plus qu'à aider le
bonhomme et le problème sera réglé".
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:29:26 -0500
From: David Merrill
Subject: Re: Some ideas on General Style
On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 09:55:09AM +0200, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
FWIW, the french LDP team is currently discussing moving to
and integrating more tightly with David (Merril), we would
like to get access to "your" database, be able to add a table of
translators, generate HTML progress reports from the result of SQL
queries, send announces of documents updates to mailing-lists, etc. That's
a short-term goal (weeks).
I will be working on i18n support during this week and next. I am on
schedule, currently I estimate I will have a usable release ready in
about 6-10 weeks. (I originally estimated 2-3 months, about 3-4 weeks
This is longer than your desired timeframe. If you can help me write
the code, then the time could be reduced, but if I do it all myself it
will probably take that long.
And that does not include some of the features you are requesting. I
will do them, but will need to think about the best way to do it.
A longer-term goal (months) is for french-speaking documentation authors
to contribute documents written in french and have french-speaking (not
necessarily native) translators translate them in english to make them
available for a wider audience.
On this list, we quite often discussed simplifying the input format of the
documents, in order to ease the life of contributors. But to many, writing
in english is a high fence to jump, hence accepting documents from several
languages and having translators to english (or directly other languages),
would IMHO help increase the number of authors, the number documents and
the quality of documents. If I speak french only but can get help to
improve my document by communicating with chinese contributors via the LDP
and its translators, that's a good thing, isn't it?
Yes. Lampadas will not be English-centric. Submissions in any language
are accepted, and can be translated to any other language.
Je vais lui demander ce qu'on peut faire pour lui. Rendez-vous sur :-)
Nicolas Chauvat - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)