Bruno Haible writes:
Could you please send to the teams de es fr nl a note mentioning that the clisp distribution contains already partial translations for these languages. The .po files were made outside the TP earlier and should now become part of the TP.
Okay, for the moment I will list them as "ext" (external); new registry entry:
<domain>clisp <ref>Project site<url> <mailto> <disclaim> <ext>de<ext>es<ext>fr<ext>nl <remark>Alternate mailto:
<domain>clisplow <ref>Project site<url> <mailto> <disclaim> <remark>Alternate mailto:
Dear translators,
please consider to ask for assignments and then post the translation files to the TP robot.
Otherwise I fear someone will start the translation from scratch - unnecessary work.
Yes, to be avoided. Thanks for the warning!